Excerpts from: "Tracking Your Taxes;..." (ref to in OP)
"In all, Congress added in 1,720 pet projects, including:
∙$5 million for a visitors center in San Francisco
∙$23 million for indigent health care in Hawaii
∙$18 million for the Edward Kennedy Policy Institute in Massachusetts
∙$1.6 million to computerize hospital records in Oakland
∙$47 million for anti-drug training centers around the country
∙$20 million for the World War II Museum in Louisiana
∙$3.9 million grant to develop an energy-efficient solar film for buildings
∙$800,000 for minority prostate cancer research
∙$3.6 million for marijuana eradication in Kentucky
∙$2.4 million for handicap access and a sprinkler system at a community club in New York"
"Members of Congress are also defending their earmarks. Senator John Kerry, D-Mass., who added the Ted Kennedy Institute to the defense budget, says it is a tribute to the late Senator's leadership on military technology and safety for our troops."
Who knew Ted Kennedy was an expert on military matters?
"Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., says she was "proud" to secure $20 million for a new wing of the National World War II museum in her home state."
What? She didn't have this included in her $300 Million health care vote incentive package?
"But a study by the Center of Defense Information says earmarks like those in this bill -- including those for the solar film, prostate cancer research, and the New York sprinkler system -- mean less money for pilot training, supplies, repairs and ammunition.
Harrison is especially disappointed Congress cut $300 million from a successful counterinsurgency program used by Army field commanders.
"That money is used by commanders on ground in Iraq and Afghanistan to fund small projects that help win over the local population," he said."
So that's where the $300 Million for the "Lousiana purchase" came from!