Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bring Back the "Fairness Doctrine" !!!

Actually Sen Harkin (D-IA) we should bring back the fairness doctrine, only it should apply to congress! With Democrat control running a triple threat, there is NO fairness to the People of America! This latest crap sandwich of a "stimulus" package foisted upon us by the shpincters of America- our Democratic congress-will prove to be anything BUT fair to the majority of American taxpayers who will be stuck with the grossest turkey of a financial aid policy since Jimmy Carter.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Barak Obama, Same old Washington Hack with a Chicago twist

Seems our country's most recently elected and media appointed saviour is having difficulty pushing ahead his Socilaist agenda of nationalising everything. He seems to be resorting to biting his nails in frustration over the sudden backbone the Republlican party has collectively grown in the last 3 weeks.

Along with our fearful leader, Senate leader Harry Reid is praying
that somehow the Democrats wont come out of this pork barrel "stimulus" bill smelling like raw fish.

But in the end the madness of king Obama will drive him isane after he realises he in waaayyy over his head...